About Forensic Accounting Services Ltd

Our Team

Our team is led by  David Petterson, an experienced Forensic Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner. 

David is supported by qualified accountants, financial analysts, security personnel and private investigators.

Our team is supplemented by experienced outsourced resources who integrate their specialist skills and services into our own team resource to enable us to deliver even in the most complex of cases.

Our Resources

We use the latest techniques in electronic discovery and data mining, combining these with good old fashioned investigative digging and analysis,  to deliver concise and informed results.

Our Clients

Our clients are professional firms, government departments, not-for-profit organisations and individuals requiring an experienced financial investigation team to undertake challenging investigations.

Our Work

The team at the Forensic Accounting Services Ltd take on challenges covering

  • fraud detection and investigation,
  • insolvency investigation and administration,  
  • civil damages investigation and assessment,
  • organised crime and money laundering,
  • commercial debt recovery 
  • credit & personnel checks.


What does it Cost 

John Ruskin (1819-1900) had this to say about "The Lowest Bidder"

"It's unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.

 The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot. - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better."

Our clients want the best, but then, who doesn’t?  The big question that everyone asks is “what is this going to cost?” That’s a fair question as often we do not know what the outcome from an investigation might be.

We address that question in our engagement letter (our contract for service) by agreeing on the “deliverables”. 

We recommend a “stepped” approach to services. Rather than wanting everything done at once we suggest breaking the assignment down into manageable bites; resulting in “breathing space” to evaluate and consider the information that has been collected before embarking on the next step.

Once an assignment and its objectives are outlined, we are usually able to provide estimates of the time and cost involved in meeting client expectations.

Our terms and conditions

We try to keep our terms of business simple and understandable. Both parties have expectations of each other.

We expect our clients to be truthful, tell us all they know relevant to our assignment and let us judge whether the information they hold is pertinent or not.

We expect to be paid within fourteen days of rendering our invoice.   We usually require a retainer to be paid into our trust account after signing the engagement letter and prior to the assignment commencing. 

We understand that our clients require us to be honest with them, respectful of their wishes, diligent in our application, professional in our undertaking and to respect their privacy at all times.  

We will report to our client in terms that are agreed between us and  meet deadlines that we agree too unless the complexity of the engagement dictates otherwise, in which case, we shall promptly advise our client and discuss the alternatives as they present themselves.